
Monday, December 30, 2013

Looking Back at 2013

Each year has it's ups and downs, but 2013 has by far been one of the craziest. Here are some things that happened in the world that stuck out in my mind:

Edward Snowden helps aid sales of 1984

The government decides to take a little break

Marriage equality movement makes huge strides, even in Utah(!)

Nelson Mandela remembrance

"Twerking" and "selfie" officially become part of the everyday lexicon


Also the Harlem Shake and goat videos were a thing once

BATFLECK (never forget)

Game of Thrones. Breaking Bad. Downton Abbey. 

Stephen Colbert got Daft Punk'd

Doctor Who celebrated 50 years of existence

Veronica Mars
becomes the first feature film by the people, for the people

And in my own little world:

I graduated college (and
spoke at that graduation. Whaaat?)

Took a risk with an unpaid internship in New York City

Fell in love with NYC

Moved from one borough to another

Visited Boston and D.C. for the first time

Got a big-girl job in the industry I love

Attempted to be a responsible post-grad adult

Started a dieting/getting healthy vlog

I've written a lot about the things I've learned these past 12 months. It's certainly been a roller coaster of a year; one that I was really excited for. Now it's over and I genuinely have no idea what to expect in 2014. Guess we'll find out. 

Thanks to all who for some reason chose to read this blog from time to time. Please let me know if you have one as well--reading about people's lives and thoughts is my go-to time waster. 

Happy New Year, friends. 

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